Road Map

2018 Q2

  1. Fundrasing - private sale, pre-ICO
  2. Purchase plot of land 1700m2, strategicaly located near city
  3. Land splited in 4 separate plots by 430m2
  4. Each land registered for 15kW applictation. TOTAL: 60 kW
  5. Constructing of 4 houses from

2108 Q3

  1. Purchasing ASIC miners and upgrading for cryptoboilers
  2. Houses instalantion and lauching show-room.
  3. Start of the show-room operation and testing all of the systems
  4. Developing and introducing GPU miner-boiler
  5. Start devision of industrial GPU mining boilers

2019 Q1

  1. Testing all systems of infrastructure
  2. Implementation Smarthouse system
  3. Integrating houses in Smartgrid with mutual sharing spare electric capacities
  4. Serial production and sales of GPU cryptoboilers

2019 Q2

  1. Introducing whitepaper of platform for cryptoboilers hosting.
  2. ICO

2019 Q3

  1. Scaling-up and developing Smartcryptocities network.