Road Map
2018 Q2
- Fundrasing - private sale, pre-ICO
- Purchase plot of land 1700m2, strategicaly located near city
- Land splited in 4 separate plots by 430m2
- Each land registered for 15kW applictation. TOTAL: 60 kW
- Constructing of 4 houses from
2108 Q3
- Purchasing ASIC miners and upgrading for cryptoboilers
- Houses instalantion and lauching show-room.
- Start of the show-room operation and testing all of the systems
- Developing and introducing GPU miner-boiler
- Start devision of industrial GPU mining boilers
2019 Q1
- Testing all systems of infrastructure
- Implementation Smarthouse system
- Integrating houses in Smartgrid with mutual sharing spare electric capacities
- Serial production and sales of GPU cryptoboilers
2019 Q2
- Introducing whitepaper of platform for cryptoboilers hosting.
2019 Q3
- Scaling-up and developing Smartcryptocities network.